8mm/16mm Film

Phone 630-717-0278 or Email questions to memorykeepers@att.net

Please feel free to come-in and drop off your order anytime during our regular hours.

(Monday thru Saturday 10-5).

THANK YOU to the over 20,000 customers we have served since 2003. 

FILM  REELS 8mm, Super 8mm, 16mm - $0.40 per foot

3” reel=$20, 4” reel=$40, 5” reel=$80, 6” reel=$120, 

7” reel=$160

Sound Film $.20 per foot additional, plus $30 set-up fee

DVD (optional), hourly  $25

Deluxe packaging on DVD/Case  $5 per disk

All work done in-house.

Industry leading “Universal” film scanner

  • True Frame-by-Frame Scanning (flicker free)
  • Safe Scan (TM) (Zero image contact, gateless and smooth metal guide rollers that only handle the film by the edges, continuous feed, no sprockets or claws) 
  • Solid State Registration (TM) (rock steady picture, generally accurate to within a pixel)
  • High Definition Capture (720p-standard or 1080p-by request) to digital video file or disc.

216 S. Main St, Ste 2A, Naperville IL 60540 / 630-717-0278 / © one-three-eight designs 2018